This scenario is powered by AI-based patient conversation. Learn More

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About The Course:

Alice Jones, 20-years-old, delivered a baby five weeks ago. One week back she developed an upper abdominal pain when she woke up. Two days back she felt short of breath and had a headache. She is brought in by the ambulance as the pain has worsened, she is feeling nauseous and has vomited once this morning. Alice was hypertensive with the EMS and has been placed one 20 gauge IV in the left AC. 

This multiplayer, open-scenario VR simulation is designed to help healthcare practitioners identify and manage a case of postpartum preeclampsia. The post-session debriefing serves as a self-analysis, helping learners identify errors and rectify them. 


Learning Objectives:
  • Diagnose postpartum preeclampsia through clinical diagnosis 
  • Appropriately and aggressively treat preeclampsia, hypertension and seizure  
  • Identify a decompensating patient with postpartum preeclampsia  
  • Manage the airway in hypoxic seizing patient  
  • Effectively communicate patient condition and initiate transfer of care
Clinical simulation in VR
  • Delayed postpartum preeclampsia and eclampsia: demographics, clinical course, and complications. Al-Safi Z, Imudia AN, Filetti LC, Hobson DT, Bahado-Singh RO, Awonuga AO, Obstet Gynecol. 2011;118(5):1102.
  • Diagnosis, evaluation, and management of the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: executive summary.Magee LA, Pels A, Helewa M, Rey E, von Dadelszen P, Hypertension Guideline Committee, Magee LA, Audibert F, Bujold

Customize Your Program
Get rid of the editor. Adopt in-VR customization.

MedVR Education is bringing to you in-VR customization that will enable you to put together your own simulations by making selections from a wide range of feature choices.

  • Select patient from a diverse background
  • Choose preferred virtual environment
  • Configure patient vitals
  • Define simulation duration
  • Create patient history and train with AI-Humans
  • Customize session-end debriefing
  • …..many more to come
  • AI Patient Assessment
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Multi-player
  • Physics-based Interaction

Core Skills Training

Clinical simulation in VR


In this multiplayer open scenario, learners are expected to interview the patient and perform a physical examination. The learner will take a blood sample and administer a second antihypertensive agent. The first line of seizure medication does not stop the seizure and a need for intubation will have to be considered. When the patient becomes unconscious a second line of anti-seizure medicine is administered and ICU is informed of the patient’s condition. Affordances are made available to perform the necessary steps in the scenario. The team can discuss the case and share knowledge and experiences to treat the patient.


End-of-task debriefing to assess one’s performance, evaluate actions, and get the most out of the session. The debriefing includes crucial points related to the scenario. 

  • Thorough patient assessment 
  • Completion of necessary steps 
  • Correct medication administration to patient 
  • Sequential completion of task 
  • Execution of time-sensitive tasks 
Clinical simulation in VR