This scenario is powered by AI-based patient conversation. Learn More

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About The Course:

Jim, a 32-year-old insulin dependent diabetic male, is discovered unresponsive at home by his family. EMS is called promptly. You arrive to find Jim with equal and reactive pupils and actively seizing with generalized tonic-clonic movements. His skin is pale and sweaty.

This open scenario is designed to expose learners to a case of hypoglycemia and provide practice in identifying the condition and managing it. The scenario is set in realistic environments to provide real-world experiences.

Learning Objectives:
  • Identifying the signs and symptoms of severe hypoglycemia
  • Demonstrating appropriate emergency management procedures
  • Administering correct treatment interventions for a seizing hypoglycemic patient
  • Evaluating the patient’s response to treatment and adjusting care accordingly
EMS Hypoglycemia simulation for emergency medical training in hypoglycemic patient care.
  • American Diabetes Association. (n.d.). Low blood glucose (hypoglycemia).

Customize Your Program
Get rid of the editor. Adopt in-VR customization.

MedVR Education is bringing to you in-VR customization that will enable you to customize your procedural simulations by making selections from a range of feature choices. 

  • Select patient from a diverse background
  • Choose preferred virtual environment
  • Configure patient vitals
  • Define simulation duration
  • Create patient history and train with AI-Humans
  • Customize session-end debriefing
  • …..many more to come
  • Multi-player
  • Physics-based Interactions

Core Skills Training

EMS Hypoglycemia emergency response training using VR simulation.

Managing Hypoglycemia

As part of this multiplayer open scenario, the learner will reach the patient’s home to find him unresponsive with equal and reactive pupils and actively seizing. An assessment of the patient’s breathing and pulse condition will have to be performed followed by a BVM ventilation. The learner will establish an IV line and administer appropriate medication. Following these steps should stop the seizure, help the patient regain consciousness but mildly delirious.
This scenario is set in a photorealistic environment, and all necessary affordances are made available to assist learners in performing their tasks with efficiency and effectiveness.


End-of-task debriefing to assess one’s performance, evaluate actions, and get the most out of the training. Examples of topics being touched upon in the debriefing include the following:

  • Thorough patient assessment
  • Completion of necessary steps
  • Correct medication administration to patient
  • Sequential completion of task
  • Execution of time-sensitive tasks
EMS Hypoglycemia VR training by MedVR Education for emergency responders.