This scenario is powered by AI-based patient conversation. Learn More

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About The Course:

You are a nurse working in the neonatal nursery and have been called by the labor and delivery nurse for a precipitous delivery. The mother thinks she is term. She has no history of prenatal care. The baby is limp and not breathing. No meconium staining is noted in the amniotic fluid. What would be your course of action in these circumstances? 

This multiplayer VR simulation on Neonatal Resuscitation Program from MedVR Education is designed to provide learners practice in preparing to respond to real life emergencies. 

The open scenario allows learners to perform independently without guidance. A debriefing is provided to help them assess their performance.

Learning Objective:
  • Effectively lead a team through a neonatal resuscitation 
  • Demonstrate high quality closed-loop communication during resuscitation 
  • Recognize flat baby and initiate warming and drying 
  • Start PPV and initiate MRSOPA 
  • Intubate, obtain IV and give appropriate medications
NRP debriefing
  • Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation
    Edited by: Gary M. Weiner, MD, FAAP, Jeanette Zaichkin, RN, MN, NNP-BC DOI:
  • Developed under the guidance of MedVR Education advisory team.

Customize Your Program
Get rid of the editor. Adopt in-VR customization.

MedVR Education is bringing to you in-VR customization that will enable you to put together your own simulations by making selections from a wide range of feature choices.

  • Select patient from a diverse background
  • Choose preferred virtual environment
  • Configure patient vitals
  • Define simulation duration
  • Create patient history and train with AI-Humans
  • Customize session-end debriefing
  • …..many more to come
  • AI Patient Assessment
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Multi-player
  • Physics-Based Interaction

Core Skills Training

Clinical simulation in VR

Resuscitating a Neonate

In this scenario, learners assume the role of a nurse working in a neonatal nursery tending to a precipitous delivery. The new born baby, weighing 4 kg (8 lbs. 8 oz), is limp and not breathing. This rare, but critical event, calls for a resuscitation of the baby. As a nurse, the learner is required to check the baby’s heart rate, start a PPV and initiate CPR, as may be the case. If required, the baby will have to be intubated and given appropriate medication. This multiplayer VR scenario is equipped with required affordances to enable learners practice their skills efficiently and gain experiences to handle such emergencies.


End-of-task debriefing to assess one’s performance, evaluate actions, and get the most out of the session. The debriefing includes crucial points related to the scenario. 

  • Thorough patient assessment 
  • Completion of necessary steps 
  • Correct medication administration to patient 
  • Sequential completion of task 
  • Execution of time-sensitive tasks
NRP debriefing