Neuroma Excision
Neuroma excision refers to the surgical process of removing an enlarged nerve called a neuroma, or Morton’s neuroma, in the foot. Morton’s neuroma usually occurs between the toes and causes a sharp pain that feels like stepping on a marble.
This VR simulation for Neuroma Excision is designed to help healthcare practitioners practice the procedure in a safe and controlled virtual environment. With both training and assessment modes, learners can perform the procedure and assess themselves on their performance.
- Identify incision location in affected web space
- Blunt dissect and locate the neuroma
- Remove the neuroma with precision
- Close the wound with appropriate suturing technique

- Guse DM, Moran SL. Outcomes of the surgical treatment of peripheral neuromas of the hand and forearm: A 25-year comparative outcome study. Ann Plast Surg 2013;71:654-8.
- Dellon AL, Mackinnon SE. Treatment of the painful neuroma by neuroma resection and muscle implantation. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986;77:427-38.
SessionsPhysics-based Interaction
Core Skills Training

Neuroma Excision
As a part of this Neuroma Excision procedure, the user will begin by marking the incision site followed by making a dorsal longitudinal incision. Using a scalpel, the user will perform a superficial dissection and then a blunt dissection to the deep transverse intermetatarsal ligament. When the enlarged nerve is well accessible, the user will cut it to remove it. Towards completion, the wound will have to be irrigated and sutured. Bandaging the wound area will complete the procedure.
All necessary affordances a provided to complete the procedure with efficiency.
With prompts, guidance and affordances learners are hand-held through the process to practice the procedure in a virtual environment with a virtual patient.
- Photorealistic virtual environment
- Physics-based interactions
- Detailed instructions
- Adequate affordances to assist in task completion

Test acquired skills to perform the procedures from start to finish without prompts. An incorrect step will take the learner back to the start to start afresh.
- Live scoring
- Instant feedback
- Adequate affordances for efficient performance
- Time tracking to monitor activity completion