NG Tube Insertion
Jason, a 45-year-old male has recently undergone an abdominal surgery. As a postoperative procedure, his doctor has suggested an NG tube insertion to administer medication and nutrients, and facilitate gastric lavage.
A nasogastric tube or NG tube insertion procedure involves guiding a thin flexible tube into a patient’s stomach through the nostrils and esophagus. This essential nursing skill is not a very complicated procedure but still calls for precision and practice to avoid minor mistakes and further complications.
- Explaining nasogastric tube insertion procedure to patientÂ
- Correctly assessing patient for nasogastric tube insertionÂ
- Performing nasogastric tube insertionÂ
- Demonstrating steps to verify correct nasogastric tube placementÂ
- Explaining aftercare instructions to patient

- Hodin, R. A., & Bordeiznou, L. Nasogastric and Nasoenteric Tubes. (2015). In: UpToDate, Sanfey, H., & Collins, K. A. (Eds.).
- Wiegand, D. L. (2017). AACN Procedure Manual for High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care (7th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier.
Customize Your Program
Get rid of the editor. Adopt in-VR customization.
MedVR Education is bringing to you in-VR customization that will enable you to customize your procedural simulations by making selections from a range of feature choices.
- Select patient from a diverse background
- Choose preferred virtual environment
- Select equipment used in the procedure
- Modify difficulty level of the assessment mode
- …..many more to come

SessionsPhysics-Based Interaction
Core Skills Training

Patient Preparation
For a patient, having a tube inserted into the nostril to be guided down the esophagus into the stomach can be a difficult procedure. It is the job of the practicing nurse to put the patient at ease and be prepared. As part of the Patient Preparation module, learners practice gathering required material, performing hand hygiene, informing the patient of the procedure, adjusting the bed height, examining the nostrils, and lubricating the tube for insertion. Detailed instructions are provided throughout the module for complete understanding.

NG Tube Insertion
Having gathered all the material and informed the patient of the procedure, the nurse is required to complete the insertion procedure. As part of this module, learners perform tasks like inserting the tube, instructing the patient to take small sips of water, checking correct placement of the tube, performing the ‘whoosh’ test, and securing the tube to the patient’s nose. Learners are helped with detailed instructions at every step of the process. Physics-based interactions and haptic feedback provide real-world like experiences, helping learners gain a better understanding of their performance and effects of their actions. Instant feedback helps identify mistakes and instantly rectify them.
With prompts, guidance and affordances learners are hand-held through the process to practice the procedure in a virtual environment with a virtual patient.
- Photorealistic Virtual Environment
- Physics-based Interactions
- Learn by Doing
- Visual Affordances

Test skills to perform the procedures from start to finish without prompts. An incorrect step will take the learner back to the start to start afresh.
- Live Scoring
- Instant Feedback
- Unlimited Practice Sessions
- LMS Integration